God is Your FREE Lifeline

3 mins read

You don’t understand now what I am doing but someday you will.

John 13:7

Stepping Into the Power You Were Created With

I used to believe in earthy sources giving me the powers to manifest my desires in life. I spent years putting my belief in angel numbers, sage cleansing, and crystal healing. While I still love crystals because they are beautiful and burn sage in my home because it smells nice, I realized that spiritual power cannot be created through physical objects. The power rests within you and your sole belief in God and Jesus.

I have always had a strong faith and believed in God and Jesus, but I held tightly to the belief that these objects in life were what held the answers to my abundance. I constantly saw angel numbers come into my life. (111, 222, 333, 444, etc.) I would google them every time I saw them to confirm the positive fortune, they were trying to tell me. But little to no fortune kept finding me. It was as if the energy behind these objects knew they had to manipulate me into believing they worked without ever granting me what it was I was working towards. Little did I realize that this WAS the devil’s work. Here me out….

It wasn’t until someone I followed on Instagram said that crystals, sage cleansing, and manifesting were satanic. This caught me off guard and I was immediately offended. I made my post validating why my spiritual practices were acts of God. However, something deep within me wasn’t believing what I was telling myself. The more I reflected the more things started to click. After reading the book Casting Down, which was suggested to me by the girl’s post I saw, everything made sense. When someone says something is Satanic or Demonic it immediately makes us think of the Exorcist. Due to Hollywood’s cinematic creation depicting Satan and demons, we don’t realize that the Devil is extremely sly. He does want you to know the truth and often sneaks his way into your life giving you false hopes through false realities or beliefs. He will give you a little and take a whole lot.

The truth is, God does not want us to suffer. He loves us. But most of us find ourselves validating WHY we can’t do something or why it’s never going to happen for us. Things like manifesting and shifting paradigms are very fancy ways of instilling false hopes within us. The truth is your power does not need to come from outside sources or practices. It is already within you. If you were to cancel out the things the devil tells you within your subconscious mind and turn your belief towards God and the infinite power he has in our lives, things would naturally begin to work out in your favor.

The mind is more powerful than you realize. God is more powerful than you realize. I owe him all of my success, thus far in building my dream of Soul Synergy Life, as well as Jesus for guiding me. If you would like to dive deeper into the process of manifesting your best life, check out the links below and begin today. You will never look back.