The “trick” to Being Healthy

6 mins read

Your health matters! I have an extensive background in online fitness coaching with companies like 1st Phorm and Beachbody, as well as competed in powerlifting competitions and multiple different marathons. I am someone who has been heavily involved in the fitness industry for the last eight years.

I have helped a lot of people along the way and hope we can help you too!

I noticed a common trend among people I helped coach. Everyone would last about three weeks before their consistency would lack, they would get frustrated with minimal results (if any), and they struggled to push forward every time life got busy or stressful.

The truth is, being healthy and fit does not reside in being as thin as a model or beefing up to compete in the next Olympia.

Being healthy is a mind, soul, AND BODY experience, not just a physical one like most people believe it to be.

If you are only giving attention to the diet and exercise portion of this lifestyle transformation, there are very slim chances the changes you make will permanently stick, let alone, happen at all.

A lot of people jump into a weight loss or health journey having extreme expectations. They want to lose 10 lbs a week, they want faster results, and they want to become healthier without self-reflecting on the deeper reasons they became unhappy with themselves in the first place. We’ll dive into that in a moment, but before we do, let’s talk about nutrition.

Weight loss is extremely simple. Move more, eat less. You must be within a calorie deficit daily, which means burning more calories than you are taking in. However, you also can’t starve and deprive yourself of the calories you need to function. When people do this, they see one of two things. Rapid weight loss that returns like the plague or zero progress at all, with possible weight gain.

You can figure out your calorie deficit here, or you can download one of my favorite free nutritional apps (I use) called MyPlate. MyPlate configures your macros (carbs, protein, and fats) for you, as well as helps you log your food for the day, so you know exactly where you are sitting at. It allows you to eat whatever food you desire, as long as it fits in your macro plan, which eliminates deprivation diets like keto and never has you feeling starved and/or miserable throughout your health journey.

Losing an average of 1lb a week is a moderate and healthy pace to lose weight if that is your goal, however, there are more intense plans within the MyPlate app that can help you lose 2-3 lbs a week instead. Either way, HEALTHY weight loss takes time, patience, and consistency.

Losing 10 lbs a week is normally short-lived. Permanent weight loss is a long process, but you will thank yourself five years from now. To learn more, watch the video below-These two men have helped me so much along my health journey, and know what they are talking about when it comes to weight loss knowledge!

Now that we have a basic formula for healthily nourishing our bodies, let’s move on to “working out.” I say “working out” because most people believe they have to go to a gym or spend their life on a treadmill which automatically causes them dread.

So, to eliminate the negativity surrounding a healthy lifestyle, I encourage my followers to ensure they INCREASE their heart rates for 30-60mins AT LEAST four days a week. Any less and you will likely maintain where you are at currently.

As I stated before, getting your heart rate up does not confine you to the inside of a gym. If the gym creates a negative space within your heart, then you MUST find what you connect enjoyment too. Because when you ENJOY what you’re doing, you will be more likely to go and do it! And guess what? You will ENJOY IT!

This picture shows just a few ideas for getting your heart rate up, but some other great ones would be, spin classes, dancing, playing a sport, walking, jumping on a trampoline, jumping rope, workout videos, walking stairs, etc.

When it comes to movement, we must make sure that the 30-60 mins we dedicate to raising our heart rates are actually raising our heart rate above its resting pace. If we walk at a slow speed or do any of these activities at a snail’s pace (aka little effort), we will not see the results we are wishing for. When your heart pumps blood faster, due to the increased rate at which it is beating, it burns twice as many calories and signals your body to begin flushing toxins and burning excess fat. (Another reason we need to be trying to drink HALF our body weight in ounces of water each day) Ie. Body Weight divided by two = ounces of water needed each day.

Choosing to live a healthier lifestyle requires you to rehabilitate your entire life, inside and out. While this section gives you all the knowledge you need to understand the basics of physically taking care of yourself, other parts of your existence need just as much TLC as the physical parts do.

We can be told what to eat, how to move, and the schedule we must follow, but without digging deeper and healing internally, we will never be able to grow into the person we want to be. That is why I created Soul Synergy Life. I hope I can help assist you in creating your best life. One where you find TRUE happiness within yourself and the life you are living. Next, visit my Spiritual Guidance page or Manifest Your Dreams section to inspire you on your journey further and fully understand what it takes to reinvent yourself permanently.